Choose You Collective


I see you…

You’re tired, feeling lost, wanting more, but not quite sure how to get there.

You’ve been DIYing your growth - in life and maybe business too - for years, and it’s not sticking.

You’ve checked all the boxes, and it still feels like something is missing.

You have a dream or an idea on your heart, but it’s never felt like the “right time” to bring it to life.

You want to feel like you’re in the driver’s seat of your life and how it feels, but instead you feel like life is driving you and your feelings.

You have a business, and you’re ready to take it to the next level.

I see you because I was you. Just a few years ago, I felt the same way.

And I spent so much time stuck in fear, trying to guilt myself in gratitude, working to convince myself that good enough was good enough. But that voice inside of me just kept getting louder and louder.

That’s when I found coaching, and it changed my life forever.

And I created


to do the same for YOU.

What it is:

A group AND private coaching program designed to touch all parts of your life...

to help you grow and expand in all containers of your life…

to offer space for you to be held, seen, heard and understood...

and to give you a community of like-minded women to exist in where you are reminded that, while your journey is in fact yours, you are not alone in any of it.

What you get:

Weekly 90-min group calls

TWO Monthly business-focused calls

Quarterly 1:1 Calls with Jillian

Unlimited Support in Community

Library of Coaching Videos

Weekly Journal Prompts

Bi-Monthly Challenges

A Community of INCREDIBLE WOMEN to do Life & Business with

Want to join us? Let’s chat.

“When I began working with Jillian I had been doing self help work for a long time; therapy, books, and all the podcasts, and I still felt so stuck. As I continued on my work with Jillian, I realized that I was stuck because of some of these limiting beliefs and ultimately these patterns that i just continued to cycled through. She taught me to explore and feel these thoughts and behaviors, and get to the root of it all. I feel like I am now showing up as a different person in all of my relationships, including the most important relationship with myself! It took understanding, true self love to really change it all! I will always be so thankful to Jillian and this work!”


“Summarizing my time in collective feels nearly impossible. In 3 short months my life shifted in a way a couldn’t have imagined. We were able to change habits and create new ones that serve where I want to go. Jillian was able to help me recognize thought patterns and tools to greatly lessen my anxiety and stress. My marriage and relationship with my children is now lead with compassion and understanding instead of frustration. Saying yes to collective was, without a doubt, the best decision I have made in my adult life!!”


“Working with Jillian has truly been life changing. When I started working with her 7 months ago, I struggled in many areas of my life. Working with Jillian has increased my confidence to stand in my truth and to trust myself in all areas of my life. I no longer break promises to myself just to make others feel comfortable. I am making positive shifts at work, in my relationships, and most importantly I am a present mom with my young children. This group provided me the support I didn’t realize I was missing!”



Private Coaching


Strategy Session